
Tell A Vision, TAV LLC is the brainchild of Maryam Bey who is the  host of the television show and CEO of the public speaking firm.


Origin of Tell A Vision

Thinking long and hard on a name for the tv show was becoming very frustrating.  Maryam did not want the name of the show to be the "Maryam Bey" show, it sounded so cliche. She wanted the name of the show to reflect the essence of her guests.  Who are they? What are they doing?  What turned around those who participated in the destruction of their community by selling drugs, guns or robbing from their neighbors? What made them make the decision enough is enough? Why are they NOW participating in the advancement of their community?

Show Inspiration

Maryam Bey wanted her guests to tell their vision, she remembered Michael Bernard Beckwith (Spiritual Teacher, Founder of The Agape Spiritual Center, former drug dealer, Teacher in the best-selling book “The Secret”, and well-rounded human being) presented a piece on PBS entitled “The Answer Is You”.  In this program, Michael described the importance of telling a vision, not television but “tell a vision”, about what you wanted to become and how you could make a difference in your community. Hence, the shows name Tell A Vision was born. In his book, “Spiritual Liberation, Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential”, in chapter 4 – from  Reel to Real, Michael shares with his readers that the universe is forever sending out a casting call for us to accept our starring role in an A-list movie: stepping out of the movie reel version of our life and accepting the real role of who and what we are --- our  Authentic Self.

Set Inspiration

The Tell a Vision tv set was inspired by Motivational Speaker, Les Brown.  Again, Maryam contemplated aesthetics of the show's set.  Then one evening she watched one of Les Brown’s training  videos on YouTube.  He was surrounded by posters about his program.  That was it.  Maryam selected the posters she wanted which were pictures of successful individuals who, in- spite of the challenges in their lives, did not give up.  One of Les Browns’ popular slogans is  “If you can look up: you can get up”. When guests come on Tell A Vision’s set, they are surrounded by posters of Michael Bernard Beckwith, Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, Bishop TD Jakes, Iyanla Vanzant and other motivating, inspirational individuals who went through the  storms of life and are today  “A testimony of Success”.

They gave up excuses and took responsibility for their lives. In doing so, they have helped many people to live successful, abundant, healthy, loving, and productive lives.   That is Tell a Vision’s Mission.

Who We Are

Tell A Vision’s Public Speaking Firm offers Staff Development Trainings to schools. Our Tell A Vision Team will design a training for you. We offer Colleges/Universities students Reentry and Justice involved sessions for those students aspiring to have a career in the criminal justice field; We are available to conduct training at Faith Based Institutes, Tell A Vision offers Parenting After Incarceration workshops for schools.   Contact us for your next criminal justice workshop.


To be announced

Past Events

Contact Us

Reach out to us to inform us of the topic and budget for your next workshop/staff development.

P.O. Box 25603, Newark, NJ 07101 


